Metacognition in STEM Teaching


An accredited course for primary and secondary school teachers aspiring to build a rewarding career as a STEM teacher. This is a one-time course fee. Upon successful payment, you will receive the welcome note, login ID, and Password to log on to our online learning platform.


In today’s technology-driven world, the development of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) problem-solving abilities is aligned with economic prosperity. Identifying the best instructional model for STEM is a key issue across the global educational landscape.

Our “Metacognition is STEM” course is an interdisciplinary curriculum concept as against individual subjects taught in silos in school timetables.

Our course is packed with 30 videos, 19 research papers, model lesson plans, metacognitive inventory, and templates that enable teachers to implement metacognition in their teaching practice.

We also have hundreds of STEM lessons that are anointed with metacognitive teaching strategies.

We urge the teachers to think and develop their own STEM lessons.